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Driving to an exhibition in Paris

Driving to an exhibition in Paris

Driving to an exhibition in Paris

Driving to an exhibition in Paris

Driving to an exhibition in Paris

POR7FOLIOPOR7FOLIOIronwork on the road/pavement going over the railway line in Dorchester - Neil Lillystone - POR7FOLIO - srf247POR7FOLIOPOR7FOLIOPOR7FOLIO - HonoluluPOR7FOLIO - concrete carcass of old naval flatsIronwork on the road/pavement going over the railway line in Dorchester - Neil Lillystone - POR7FOLIO - srf247POR7FOLIOPOR7FOLIO POR7FOLIO - arrow

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POR7FOLIO - SRF247 - Neil Lillystone

POR7FOLIO - SRF247 - Neil Lillystone - End of the Line - Weymouth

This is the end of the line at Weymouth and symbolises to me to condition of most of the UK rail network.


POR7FOLIO - srf247.com - Neil Lillystone

Nottington Lane, Weymouth, DT3 4BN, UK

POR7FOLIO - srf247.com - Neil Lillystone

+44 07861466186

POR7FOLIO - srf247.com - Neil Lillystone
